

From pull-the-car-over sunsets to our wild, wooly past, Nevada speaks.

If you took a family photo of all 50 states, we would be the one sticking our tongue out—it’s just who we are. If you’re looking for something to do that’s irresistibly different, or if you were that cheeky kid yourself, 欢迎回家. Welcome to Nevada—we’re going to get along great. And when you find yourself shout-asking Siri, “What are some things to do near me?” you might not even have time to get through her list—and not just on the Strip.


In love with the Silver 状态 as much as we are? 学习你能做什么 to help us keep the 的地方 we cherish special—and open—for us and future generations.


More than 80% of Nevada is public land, the highest percentage of any state. So, when it comes to Nevada, this land 字面上的 是你的土地吗. We’re a state of radically diverse terrain—from striking desertscapes to forested mountain slopes. So, whether you’re in the mood for hiking, 野营, or hot springing beneath the stars, Nevada’s boundless wilderness gateways beckon. In other words, we’ve got you covered. 徒步旅行 & 徒步旅行 钓鱼 攀岩




Compared to the rest of the states—even its neighbors—Nevada’s always stood out from the pack. And not just because of our boulevards shimmering with miles of neon or our renegade, 做你想做的精神. There’s a reason we’re the 美国自驾游之都 and the ideal home of the world’s largest temporary city at the same time. 渴望不同的东西? Find out what we really mean when we call this place the Silver 状态.

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Oldest Trees Beneath the Darkest Skies

世界上最古老的树木, 5,000-year-old ancient bristlecone pines, were growing in Nevada before the Great Wall or the Coliseum were even ideas. And one of the planet’s greatest clusters of these gnarled, ancient beauties still thrives at Great Basin National Park, where you can share their stellar solitude under some of the darkest—and therefore brightest—skies in the country.

More 鬼城 Than “Living” Towns

With around 100 locales with zip codes to its 600+ ghost towns, Nevada has 更多的 historic mining camps and bygone boomtowns than actual populated cities and towns. If that’s not reason enough to grab your atlas, drop a gear and disappear, we’re not sure what is.

Most Mountainous 状态 in the Lower 48

Nevada is 更多的 than stunning desertscapes, and definitely far from flat. More than 300 individual mountain ranges rise across the state, earning Nevada bragging rights as the most mountainous state in the contiguous United 状态s. 在这些范围内, 42座有名字的山峰从11座上升到11座,000 +英尺, and eight of the nation’s 128 ultra-prominent peaks in the country scrape those skies right here in Nevada.